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The Future Is Asian : commerce, conflict, and culture in the 21st century

Auteur(s) : Khanna, Parag


La quatrième de couv. indique : "The "Asian century" is even bigger than you think. Far greater than just China, the new Asian system taking shape is a mutli-civilizational order spanning Saudi Arabia to Japan, Russia to Australia, Turkey to Indonesia - linking 5 billion people through trade, finance, infrastructure, and diplomatie networks that togather represent to 40 percent of global GDP. China has taken a lead in building the new Silk Roads across Asia, but it will not lead it alone. Rather, Asia is rapidly returning to the centuries-old patterns of commerce, conflict, and cultural exchange that thrived long before European colonialism and American dominance. Asians will determine their own future - and as they collectively assert their interests around the world, they will determine ours as well.If the 19th century featured the Europeanization of the world, and the 20th century is Americanization, then the 21st century is the time of Asianization. From investment portfolios and trade wars to Hollywood movies and university admissions, no aspect of life is immune from Asianization. With America's tech sector dependent on Asian talent and politicians praising Asia's glittering cities and efficient governments, Asia is permanently in our nation's consciousness. We know this will be the Asian century. Now we finally have an accurate picture of what it will look like."

  • Disponible - 328(5) KHA

    Niveau 2 - Politique