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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


Atlas of digital architecture : terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena


Digital technology and architecture have become inseparable, with new approaches and methodologies not just affecting the workflows and practice of architects, but shaping the very character of architecture.[...]Structured into six parts, the Atlas offers an orientation to the myriad ways in which computers are used in architecture today, such as: 3D Modelling and CAD; Rendering and Visualisation; Scripting, Typography, Text & Code; Digital Manufacturing and Model Making; GIS, BIM, Simulation, and Big Data & Machine Learning, to name but these.Throughout, the Atlas provides both a historical perspective and a conceptual outlook to convey a sense of continuity between past, present, and future; and going beyond the confines of the traditional textbook, it also postulates a theoretical framework for architecture in the 21st century. ( Editeur, atlasofdigitalarchitecture.com)

  • Disponible - 72.26 HIR

    Niveau 3 - Arts